Wednesday, June 10, 2020


This is like finding out something new in the world. A discovery may sometimes be based on earlier discoveries,collaborations or ideas.

Most of the people who discovered ancient things,might be dead however they helped us to find more we couldn't see that could be more important in our lives.
Now if am to talk about a person who discovered the source of river Nile, and Winston Churchill who named Uganda as  the "Pearl of Africa" in all other countries in Africa, this makes them special people.

People have discovered many things that have made them feel part of the Universe. When a diver is to discover about the life under water, it really blows away the mind because you discover many creatures under water wondering  how it came about.
The planktons fed on by Fish and other creatures its really amazing.

Have you ever seen what we call a Jelly fish? This is a wonderful discovery under water because these are usually seen in shallow coastal water; however scientists have discovered a few species that live at depths of 9000metres. Can you imagine!! a jelly fish doesn't have brains,no blood, no bones and no heart but still exist.

                             White Jelly fish

Discoveries say that Jelly fish species, have been around for at least 600 million years before dinosaurs or bony fish, before insects or trees, before flowers or ferns. Jellies have survived five mass extinctions, including the "Great Dying" which wiped out up to 96% of marine species and 70% of life on Earth.
Did you know that Jelly fish clone themselves. There life cycle includes an eerie mix of sexual reproduction and out right cloning. And when a Jelly fish is injured, the damaged tissue cells themselves can regenerate as fully - grown Jelly fish.

Did you know that seahorses have no teeth and no stomach because they use their tube shaped noses to suck up small animals and they have to eat almost constantly since food passes through their digestive systems so quickly and a young one of a sea horse is known as a "Fry".

                              Sea horse

They're the slowest of all fish due to the tiny fin on the middle of their back. Some of us knew that only female creatures reproduce however male sea horses are the ones who give birth. Can you imagine that! The female lays eggs in the male's pouch for him to fertilize internally. He then carries them as many as 2000 at a time for two to three weeks before giving birth.
Sadly, less than one in a thousand will survive long enough to become an adult.

Here in Uganda, we only know simple fish species like we are used to see Tilapia, Nile perch and Silver fish however in other countries like Japan they're a lot of fish species discovered that we have never seen before.

                            Moorish Idol Fish

Moorish idol fish are beautiful, ornate and stunners in an aquarium. They are a rarity,too however they can be found throughout the Red sea, the indo - pacific and eastern pacific ocean. Most die very easily in captivity because the primary reason is they are such picky eaters, they would rather starve to death than to eat something they do not want.

Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. They have three hearts and blue blood. They're quite intelligent and have been observed using tools. Scientists say that using tools, octopuses pick up discarded coconut shells and use them like mobile homes.
When scared, octopuses will shoot a dark liquid sometimes called ink,at the thing that scared them. Octopuses can also change color to hide and match their surroundings. They can turn blue, grey, pink,brown and green.

                                   An Octopus

 They eat their arms when bored however if an octopus does get caught - no problem. They can lose arms and regrow them. However they have short life spans some species only live for around six months. Typically, the larger the octopus, the longer it lives.

Published by Bridget
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