Thursday, April 16, 2020

Travel Tips Recommended for Travellers

Travel tips recommended for travelers
Learn to be a master traveler
  • Patience Is Important
There is  a saying ''patience pays'' life is too short to start worrying on how to get on the GO. Take a scenario, when your first bus leaves you, why worry.....grab the next
ATM's out of Money? Great! take an unplanned road trip over to the next town and explore....isn't that Cool!!!!

  • Wake up Early To Avoid Crowds
Rise before sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding large tourist crowds....Guess what! its also a magical time for photos due to soft diffused light,and its usually easier to interact with locals getting ready for the day.
Want those postcard, awesome Instagram travel shots? worry not, you need to get out there before everyone else shows up.

  • Observe Daily Life Around You
If you want to get a feel for the pulse of a place, i recommend spending a few hours sitting in park or on a bus street corner by yourself just watching day to day life happen in front of you.
slow down your train of thought and pay close attention to the details around you. The Smells, the colors, human interactions and sounds. Its a kind of Meditation with your inner person and later you'll see stuff you never noticed before.

          READ MORE: Favorite travel Quotes Ever.
  1. ''Adventure is worthwhile."

Adventure can remind you to explore new horizons,and step out of your comfort zone. like it did for me hiking across Mountains of the Moon.(Mt. Rwenzori). This classic travel quote continues to inspire me more and more.

2."Travel isn't always pretty. it isn't always comfortable. sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. but thats okay. the journey changes you; it should change you. it leaves marks on your consciousness, on your heart, ans on your  body. you take something with you. hopefully, you leave something good behind".-Anthony Bourdain.

  The late, great Anthony Bourdain really hit the nail on the head. i will truly miss his wisdom. many think of traveling as a way to relax,and it absolutely can be!
However, i`ve also found traveling  can help you understand whats going on in the world.

3. ''A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.''-Tim Cahill

I couldn't agree more! i`ve made many friends around the world, ans its the time i`ve spent with them that has made my travels so fulfilling are always more memorable than checking things off a bucket list.

4." No place is ever as bad as they tell you its going to be.''-Chuck Thompson

Have you ever seen your hometown through the eyes of a tourist? its easy to get jaded, but the truth is every place in the world has something of interest. you`ll always hear about the negative before you hear about the positive. because people love to complain! Don`t listen to them, and go see for yourself, this will give you an answer to the questions running in your mind.

5, Travelling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.''-Ibn Battuta.

I`ve seen awe-inspiring things that i thought i`d never be able to explain to another person. These experiences have helped me to become a better storyteller.e.g witnessing the unreal-looking craters in Western side of Queen Elizabeth National park.

  • Slow Down to Enjoy your Trip
please don`t try to cram 6 countries into 6 weeks of travel. All the good stuff happens when you really take the time to explore you`ll learn about activities that aren`t in your guidebook and meet people who are eager to show you around..isn't that cool!!
  • Laugh At Yourself Sometimes
You will definitely look like a fool many times when traveling to new places. Rather than get embarrassed, laugh at yourself. dont be afraid to screw up,and dont take life so seriously. Relax! this made me recall onetime a whole bus full of travelers laughed with glee when i forced the bus driver to stop so i could urgently pee on the side of the road. Returning to the bus and laughing with them gave me new friends for the rest of the journey! It was really Fun.

  • Take lots of Epic Travel Photos
Pay attention to this travel tip. you may only see these places & meet these people once in your lifetime. Remember them forever with plenty of photos! Dont worry about looking like a ''tourist'. Great photos are the ultimate souvenirs.
They dont cost anything, they`re easy to share, and they dont take up space in your luggage. Take plenty of photos of yourself too,they`ll be more important than your postcard shots later.Just remember that once you get your shot, it`s important to get out from behind the lens and actually enjoy the view.

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