Wednesday, June 10, 2020


This is like finding out something new in the world. A discovery may sometimes be based on earlier discoveries,collaborations or ideas.

Most of the people who discovered ancient things,might be dead however they helped us to find more we couldn't see that could be more important in our lives.
Now if am to talk about a person who discovered the source of river Nile, and Winston Churchill who named Uganda as  the "Pearl of Africa" in all other countries in Africa, this makes them special people.

People have discovered many things that have made them feel part of the Universe. When a diver is to discover about the life under water, it really blows away the mind because you discover many creatures under water wondering  how it came about.
The planktons fed on by Fish and other creatures its really amazing.

Have you ever seen what we call a Jelly fish? This is a wonderful discovery under water because these are usually seen in shallow coastal water; however scientists have discovered a few species that live at depths of 9000metres. Can you imagine!! a jelly fish doesn't have brains,no blood, no bones and no heart but still exist.

                             White Jelly fish

Discoveries say that Jelly fish species, have been around for at least 600 million years before dinosaurs or bony fish, before insects or trees, before flowers or ferns. Jellies have survived five mass extinctions, including the "Great Dying" which wiped out up to 96% of marine species and 70% of life on Earth.
Did you know that Jelly fish clone themselves. There life cycle includes an eerie mix of sexual reproduction and out right cloning. And when a Jelly fish is injured, the damaged tissue cells themselves can regenerate as fully - grown Jelly fish.

Did you know that seahorses have no teeth and no stomach because they use their tube shaped noses to suck up small animals and they have to eat almost constantly since food passes through their digestive systems so quickly and a young one of a sea horse is known as a "Fry".

                              Sea horse

They're the slowest of all fish due to the tiny fin on the middle of their back. Some of us knew that only female creatures reproduce however male sea horses are the ones who give birth. Can you imagine that! The female lays eggs in the male's pouch for him to fertilize internally. He then carries them as many as 2000 at a time for two to three weeks before giving birth.
Sadly, less than one in a thousand will survive long enough to become an adult.

Here in Uganda, we only know simple fish species like we are used to see Tilapia, Nile perch and Silver fish however in other countries like Japan they're a lot of fish species discovered that we have never seen before.

                            Moorish Idol Fish

Moorish idol fish are beautiful, ornate and stunners in an aquarium. They are a rarity,too however they can be found throughout the Red sea, the indo - pacific and eastern pacific ocean. Most die very easily in captivity because the primary reason is they are such picky eaters, they would rather starve to death than to eat something they do not want.

Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. They have three hearts and blue blood. They're quite intelligent and have been observed using tools. Scientists say that using tools, octopuses pick up discarded coconut shells and use them like mobile homes.
When scared, octopuses will shoot a dark liquid sometimes called ink,at the thing that scared them. Octopuses can also change color to hide and match their surroundings. They can turn blue, grey, pink,brown and green.

                                   An Octopus

 They eat their arms when bored however if an octopus does get caught - no problem. They can lose arms and regrow them. However they have short life spans some species only live for around six months. Typically, the larger the octopus, the longer it lives.

Published by Bridget
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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Beautiful Countries

Beautiful Countries
In this world, every country has something unique to offer; be it the local cuisines, physical features, the beautiful cities,magnificent parks and back ground architectures. Therefore these features create an image of a country that attracts tourists.
These are ten most beautiful countries in the world.

1. Canada.

                                           Toronto Canada

This is a beautiful country that serves as a wild, urban and romantic destination. It has beautiful scenery including mountains, valleys, lakes and forests. The country accounts for 60% of lakes in the world. Major cities including Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal with some of the best architecture in the world.
2. United States.

                             Yosemite national park

This is an enormous country with diverse natural features like the grand Canyon and Yosemite national park that offers refuge to animals. It is the second most visited country in the world by tourists. With  diverse infrastructures with nice cities including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.

3. India.

                                           Himalaya view

This country is characterized by Bengal Tigers, Asian Lions and Asian Elephants in the National parks. The Himalayas is blanketed by alpine forests that stretch for hundreds of miles. India's magnificent terrain ranges from the breath taking stretch of the peaks of the Himalayas to the beaches of the Indian Ocean. The country also has deserts, plateaus, long rivers and a great diversity of cultures hence attracting tourists from far and wide.

4. Ireland.

                                              Green Ireland

This has a mild and moist climate which contributes to the Irish country side's green fields and vibrant moss plants. Ireland is also known for it's beautiful sandy beaches, hill top walks, quiet lakes and rocky coastlines. The cities of Dublin and cork present the state's ancient culture, so does the local cuisine.


                                         Italy landscapes

Few countries match the beauty of Italy from the mountains of Trentino, the sparkling coast of Amalfi to the rolling vineyards of Chianti. Cities such as Venice, Florence and Rome throb with romance while rooftop villages create  a sense of the history. Italian food is excellent, and a visit to the country is not complete without tasting the bottarga and lasagna dishes.

6. Brazil.

                                       Rio de Janeiro

Is an extensive country with diverse natural beauty and culture. The Amazon is incomparable. The baroque architecture of the north east creates a soulful atmosphere while the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo offer an opportunity to witness the ancient and contemporary culture of the state. The sight of people playing along the Atlantic coast creates a feeling of peace and friendliness.

7. China.

                                         China landscape

Is the fourth largest country in the world. The country is endowed with a diverse natural environment from the Wulingyuan Scenic area to yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Tall artistic buildings characterize the cities of China. The peaks of the state include mountain Taishan, mountain Hengshan, and mountain Everest.

8. South Africa.

                                   Blyde River canyon

Is among the best safari destinations in Africa. Boulders beach is the only place on the continent with penguins. The landscape is even more diverse than the wildlife ranging from the soaring Drakensberg mountains to the flower lands of Namaqualand and the Blyde River canyon.
The country office access to the "Big five" in many of it's national parks including the Kruger national park. The cities of the Capetown and Durban are a must visit for tourists.

9. New Zealand.

                              Purple and pink lupins

It is no shock that New Zealand is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world; the country is endowed with towering mountains, breathtaking landscapes, turquoise lakes and over 9,000 miles of shores.
New Zealand's beauty is show cased from the spectacular fields of purple and pink lupins along lake Tekapo to the mountainous fjord of Milford sound. Cities including Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton gives an urban test to the otherwise wild country.

10. Switzerland.


This is a lovely country with breathtaking scenery and natural environment. The mountains and lakes of the county deserve the share of international attention. You can enjoy the pristine wilderness of Switzerland from the mountain trains or when hiking the Eiger. As a peaceful and friendly state, Switzerland welcomes millions of tourists from across the world every year.

Published by Bridget

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Natural Wonders

Natural  wonders
This is like a dream come true to me. Whenever I look at nature, it fills my heart with joy and happiness. Some people travel because they want to have experience in what they feel inside their hearts.

When you look at a landscape so far away, there is a way it enlightens your inner self. You look at the green vegetation,  when it comes to trees, the scent of the Flora's and the rhythm of the flowing water on rocks....hmmm. It really sounds great.

Sometimes, when I sit on a cliff, I realise that the person who created these whole amazing sceneries is really the Greatest of all. When it comes to waterfalls, you really wonder where that flowing water is coming from and where it will end! It's really a breathtaking moment.

Questions always come to your mind when you just look at that amazing scenery. When it comes to fauna, I mean wildlife. It's really amazing... Just take a look at the zebra's in the park, the black and white strips on their skins, the leopards with solid black spots and orange brown on their skins too makes them really look fabulous. And when you hear the birds singing in the woods, fresh air around the trees and the sound of the branches they make when the wind passes its really embracing the soul and bringing new life.

Because the real magic of wonder is not in the thing itself, but in the fact that the more you look for wonder in the world, the more the wonder of the world becomes part of you.
It helps us connect with the world around us in meaningful ways. Wonder is more than just a good feeling; it is a seed from which our greatest treasures grow. With travelling, you explore the dream and feed your Spirit well.

These are the most amazing places on our planet but the 7 natural wonders of the world, have been separated as the most awe-inspiring.
 These wonders of the world can be found on 5different  continents and are magnificent in their natural beauty.

1. Victoria Falls. 
A fall of water is an area where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a stream or river. It is so impressed by the beauty of waterfalls.
It is an exciting activity for the body, soul and entire refreshment of mind. 
Victoria falls is one of the wonders of the world stretching 1.7km wide and shared by the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The falls drop into a deep narrow chasm which is connected to a long series of Gorges. Falls are a perfect spot for birds, wildlife viewing. Nature walks around the banks of the falls is a really exciting activity.

              Victoria Falls

2. Northern Lights ( Aurora Borealis). 
There is a long list of locations where this mesmerising phenomenon can be seen but some of the most popular to visit are Iceland, Alaska, North Canada, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
These are the famous green streaks of the northern lights which occur when a chemical reaction takes place. This is formed by particles from the Sun's surface drift towards the earth, colliding with particles on the earth's surface forming beautiful arcs of colour in the Sky. It really looks amazing.

                        The Northern lights

3. The Grand Canyon.
This was created by the raging Colorado River which is said to have run this path for around 17 million years! Still making its way through, the river running below enables a little perspective on the sheer scale of this magnificent place.
The beautiful, russet tones of the rock and pure magnitude of the park cannot be fully appreciated until you are right there in the middle of it all.
Due to the odd formation of the rocks, the position of the sun changes the views and the colours of the scene throughout the day making it look so amazing.

                              Grand Canyon

4. Harbor of Rio de Janeiro.
The stunning harbour of Rio de Janeiro is situated on Guanabara Bay in Brazil surrounded by majestic granite mountains such as the famous sugar loaf, Corcovado peak. Rio is also home to a myriad of stunning sugar-white beaches, a wonderfully vibrant city and the best party in the world!
Add all this to the fact that you have the watchful gaze of Christ the Redeemer looming over the city making it a truly unique part of the globe.

                      Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

5. Mountain Everest.
The world's highest point lying between Nepal, Tibet and reaching the ridges of China, is the colossal Mount Everest. Reaching the summit is often regarded as one of life's greatest accomplishments.

                           Mountain Everest

6. The Great Barrier Reef.
The word 'great' does not even begin to describe the sheer magnitude of the Great Barrier reef. Spanning over 1,400 miles and encapsulating nearly 1,000 islands of which 3,000 reefs live, is the largest coral reef ecosystem in the world.
It's home to billions of fish, coral and living organisms, many of which are only found in this part of the world.

               Great Barrier Reef

7. Paricutin Volcano.
In 1943, in a cornfield in Paricutin, a farmer discovered a crack on his land. Within moments, the ground surrounding the crack had risen 6 feet high with rivers of ash pouring out of the hole. It stood 50meters high within an hour and by the end of that year, Paricutin volcano was at a staggering 450meters high!
This is a must-see because what scientists particularly love about Paricutin, is that its the first-ever time we have ever been able to witness the birth of a new Volcano.

                             Paricutin Volcano

8. Lake Hillier. This is found in the Recherche archipelago, the island has one of the greatest natural wonders in the world and the most beautiful pond of the kind lake Hillier. Not even the scientists know for sure why it is pink,they speculate it is caused by certain bacteria. Today it's a protected nature reserve but can be visited under special circumstances. It's best to view it from the air in any case.

                                       Lake Hillier
But they're still many natural wonders in Africa as a continent its self which blow your mind away and also bring life. These include, red sea reef, mountain Kilimanjaro, Sahara desert, Serengeti migration, Ngorongoro crater, Nile river,and Okavango Delta etc.

Published by Bridget Penny

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Places to Go.

Places to Go.
Many people find a difficult time to choose places to go to but it is simple to choose a suitable place to go to for an adventure. The passion you have for a particular place,will drive you to it. But they are really nice places that will make you find your own self. A place with beautiful scenery will help you discover the lost person in you.

If am to talk about places like New Zealand, I know this is a dream come true to some people who go there.
The Victoria falls will make you feel at home even when you're very far away from home. It will blow your mind away because this makes you feel comfortable at heart, soul and in mind.

However, if you want to choose a place to go, you can search places on Instagram and Google Sites. Your Facebook and Instagram pages aren't just for getting likes, but you can use them to find awesome travel vacation destinations. " i usually use Instagram collection features to save other people's photos based on location.
 But first make research, discuss about it because you have to be with answers to the questions like, why now?, why this place? before you select a place to go to.

Besides that, you need to have an inspiration or travel by Practicality.
Through an inspiration, its great to get a starting inspiration where you can go to, what's the environment gonna be like; are you trying to get warm, lie on a beach or hike through the jungle and explore the Urban Scapes around that place. This all explains what the environment speaks to your soul.

But through practicality, a traveller has to plan a trip around his or her favourite activity call it a hobby such as Scuba diving, fishing, golf activities and hunting this explains the practicality part.
These are one of the best places to Visit or travel to.

1. Paris. This is often referred to as the "City of light". Its a monument both due to it's size but also its wealth of architectural heritage! With the unique Eiffel Tower that comes in mind before anyplace when we decide to visit any location with our beloved or life partner that's why it has got a title or symbol of love due to it's superb construction and outstanding views.

                             The Eiffel Tower

2. New Zealand. This is a famous place for it's incredible scenery ranging from sweeping mountains to vast under ground cave systems, gigantic glaciers to boiling hot springs and golden sand beaches to rugged coastline.
Its really an amazing place with nice sceneries.

                                   New Zealand

3.Rome. This is one of the most visited cities in Italy and the world. It has over 280 fountains and more than 900 churches. The Colosseum, St Peters Basilica one of the biggest churches,
Trevi fountain, Vatican Museums and many more that are perfect places to travel to.
                                 The Colosseum

4. Tahiti. This is the largest island in French Polynesia shaped like a figure 8. Its divided into"Tahiti Nui" and "Tahiti Iti" with black sand beaches, lagoons, waterfalls and 2 extinct Volcanoes. Its really a popular vacation destination.

                            Islands of Tahiti

5. London. Is Famous for more than its magnificent ancient buildings, the place of Westminster, Trafalgar square, Tower of London, London Eye, Art Galleries and Big Ben.

                            Tower of London

6. Maui. Is an island in the Central Pacific, part of the Hawaiian archipelago. This is the home of one of just three volcanic atolls in the world.
Molokini Crater. A Snorkel Trip to this watery wonderland will reveal a rainbow of coral and bountiful schools of tropical fish all within the crystal clear crater waters.
Magical Maui offers a lifetime's worth of unique experiences, unparalleled scenery and moments that make it the must visit Hawaiian island.

                                  Maui, Hawaii

7. Bora Bora. Is an island paradise to those who visit and know about it. Its a tourist haven to enjoy the soft white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, Sapphire blue Skies and Seclusion. Bora bora is one of the few places on earth that everyone hopes to witness in their lifetime and once you see it, you are forever enamored.

                  Bora Bora Island

8. White Sands, New Mexico. Rising from the heart of the Tularosa Basin is one of the world's great natural wonders, the glistening white Sands of New Mexico. The great wave- like dunes of gypsum sand have engulfed 275 square miles of desert, creating the worlds largest gypsum dune field.

                                 White Sands

9. Seychelles. This is a paradise on Earth. The beautiful county is blessed with deep blue waters and white sandy beaches with exotic sea life, becoming a famous honeymoon destination. This is located with in the Indian ocean off east Africa.

                             Seychelles island

10. Antelope Canyon, Arizona. Still, has managed to become the most photographed and most visited slot canyon in all of the American southwest due to its beauty. This was formed by millions of years of wind and water erosion. They are separated into two, the Upper Antelope canyon and the Lower Antelope canyon.

                            Antelope Canyon 

11. Uyuni salt flat's, Bolivia. When a prehistoric lake dried up, it left behind these awe - inspiring salt flats. Bright white salt formation make you feel almost as if you're walking on clouds they're well worth the trip.

                                          Salt flats

But they're far better places around the world, because you can't finish this whole world when travelling, however you will reach a time and you get to discover new places around the world. This will make you feel special in your life.
If you really want to enjoy every new place you get to, remember to take pics such that you keep memories for such places.

The Journey

The Journey
This is travelling from one place to another.  It's up to a person to choose where he or she is going. It can be East side, West, North or South side depending on what is going to take place.
Let me talk about my journey to the Kilimanjaro mountains in Tanzania my neighbourhood. I used a bus to travel from Uganda to Tanzania, the journey was fun because I met new friends who made me remarkable memories. It was 980 km from here to Tanzania.

I really wanted to reach Kilimanjaro mountains just to take a close look at the snow. It filled my eyes, wondering how it came about. It was really
beautiful seeing it for the first time.
We were a group of 6people, who decided to go hike on Kilimanjaro
mountains. When I touched on snow, it was cold but amazing in my eyes, we had fun when we camped because this was my first time to go for camping, viewing of Ngorongoro crater and sight seeing for example i saw birds of different species and this bought life to me because it was so fabulous.
That marked the end of my journey to mountain Kilimanjaro.

But before you set off for the journey, here are some steps to follow before the journey takes place.
  1. Set a Budget.
It's important to establish a budget as early as possible even before your destination. This helps you plan and enjoy your trip within your limits.
Your task is to research the costs in your destination at the style of travel so that you avoid disappointments that may arise as a result.

2.  Pick a Destination.
Pick a particular site that's on your must - See travel list and plan your vacation around that. This will give you a definite goal making planning easier as well. Hence making you know how much to spend in those places you would like to go to.

3. Get your Documents in Order.
If you have a passport, its better you first cross-check its expiration date and if you're travelling by bus, make sure that you book your ticket as soon as possible. However, for some countries, you must have a valid Visa's in addition to passports. You need to check what type of Visa you need and apply for one as early as possible because obtaining one is a complicated process and can take weeks even after you have been approved therefore you need to be prepared in any way.

4. Consider Travel Insurance.
There are several kinds of travel insurance, it covers you when your camera breaks, your flight is cancelled or when your property is stolen. It's better to also check your medical coverage to see whether you're covered overseas. If not you may want to purchase medical insurance to cover certain situations. It's always the best to be prepared for the worst.

5.  Book your Flight.
Because your flight will be the most expensive part of your trip, you'll want to book it before anything else. This will allow you to be more flexible with your dates, which is a great way to save money on your flight. So make sure to book your flight about a few months in advance.

6. Create a Rough Itinerary
Once you have chosen your destination research sites and places you really want to explore and then figure out which ones you have the time and the budget to get to.

7. Book your Accommodation.
Once you planed an itinerary fill on some places to sleep. The earlier you make arrangements, the better especially during a high season. Do a bit of research and keep your eyes open for tiny bed, breakfast and hostels. So you can save more money for other important things on your trip. It's better to book earlier so you don't have to worry about this at night after an exciting and exhausting day.

8. Pack light and Right.
Depending on your chosen destination, carry clothes that are comfortable and right for the season and especially for the specified weather where you're heading to.  Pack only the essential things and Start thinking about what you'll need to bring at least a week before you leave.

9.  Have Realistic Expectations and Enjoy your Trip.
Go on your trip and have fun! By considering these simple steps you can better organize and prepare for your trip. So you can spend less time worrying about your travel arrangements and more time staring at amazing landscapes. Enjoy the holiday by managing what you can with the time you have. Embrace each moment, whether good or bad. Head to the airport, board your plane and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Remember, your journey will always be a one of a kind experience because a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to Meditate Using Amazing Nature Sounds

 How to Meditate Using Amazing Nature Sounds.

Most people travel because they would like to free their mind from anxiety, depression and so much more than a human brain could contain. 

Medication is part of the medicine to settle up a person's mind.
Meditation is a  habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. That's to say  It's a practice of thinking deeply or focusing one's mind for a period of time. 
Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.

A Guide to 7 Different Types of Meditation.
  • Vipassana Meditation 
This is an ancient Indian form of meditation that means to see things as they really are. The goal of vipassana meditation is self-transformation through self-observation. This is accomplished through disciplined attention to physical sensations in the body, to establish a deep connection between the mind and body.

  • Chakra Meditation
Chakras refer to the centres of energy and spiritual power in the body. There are thought to be seven chakras.  Each chakra is located at a different part of the body and each has a corresponding colour. Chakra meditation is made up of relaxation techniques focused on bringing balance and well-being to the chakras.  Some of these techniques include visually picturing each chakra in the body and its corresponding colour. Some people may choose to light incense or use crystals, colour-coded for each chakra to help them concentrate during the meditation.

  • Yoga Meditation.
There are a wide variety of classes and styles of yoga, but they all involve performing a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises meant to promote flexibility and calm the mind.
The poses require balance and concentration and practitioners are encouraged to focus less on distractions and stay more in the moment. If you have a health condition and are new to yoga, speak to your doctor about which style may be right for you.

  • Mindfulness Meditation.
Mindfulness meditation is the process of being fully present with your thoughts. Being mindful means being aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not being overly reactive to what’s going on around us. Mindful meditation can be done anywhere. Some people prefer to sit in a quiet place, close their eyes, and focus on their breathing. 

When practising mindfulness meditation, you observe your thoughts and emotions but let them pass without judgement. This will help you to forget about the painful emotions you have inside.

  • Transcendental Meditation. 
Transcendental meditation is a simple technique in which a personally assigned mantra, such as a word, sound, or small phrase, is repeated in a specific way. It’s practised 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

The idea is that this technique will allow you to settle inward to a profound state of relaxation and rest, with the goal of achieving inner peace without concentration or effort.

  • Guided Meditation.
Guided meditation, which is sometimes also called guided imagery or visualization, is a method of meditation in which you form mental pictures or situations that you find relaxing.
This process is typically led by a guide or teacher, hence "guided" It’s often suggested to use as many senses as possible, such as smell, sounds, and textures, to evoke calmness in your relaxing space. For example, when you close your eyes, you can visualise anything that comes in your mind that can make you concentrate and relax your mind.

  •  Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Meditation)

Metta meditation, also called Loving-Kindness Meditation, is the practice of directing well-wishes toward others. Those who practice recite specific words and phrases meant to evoke warmhearted feelings. This is also commonly found in mindfulness and vipassana meditation.

It’s typically practised while sitting in a comfortable, relaxed position. After a few deep breaths, you repeat the following words slowly and steadily. “May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful and at ease.”
After a period of directing this loving-kindness toward yourself, you may begin to picture a family member or friend who has helped you and repeat the mantra again, this time replacing “I” with “you.” As you continue the meditation, you can bring other members of your family, friends, neighbours, or people in your life to mind. Practitioners are also encouraged to visualize people they have difficulty with.  Finally, you end the meditation with the universal mantra: “May all beings everywhere be happy".

However, you can use what we call meditation apps including "Relax". This will help you to meditate daily, anytime and anywhere hence reducing stress and anxiety, and improving a greater sense of self-awareness.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Travel Tips Recommended for Travellers

Travel tips recommended for travelers
Learn to be a master traveler
  • Patience Is Important
There is  a saying ''patience pays'' life is too short to start worrying on how to get on the GO. Take a scenario, when your first bus leaves you, why worry.....grab the next
ATM's out of Money? Great! take an unplanned road trip over to the next town and explore....isn't that Cool!!!!

  • Wake up Early To Avoid Crowds
Rise before sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding large tourist crowds....Guess what! its also a magical time for photos due to soft diffused light,and its usually easier to interact with locals getting ready for the day.
Want those postcard, awesome Instagram travel shots? worry not, you need to get out there before everyone else shows up.

  • Observe Daily Life Around You
If you want to get a feel for the pulse of a place, i recommend spending a few hours sitting in park or on a bus street corner by yourself just watching day to day life happen in front of you.
slow down your train of thought and pay close attention to the details around you. The Smells, the colors, human interactions and sounds. Its a kind of Meditation with your inner person and later you'll see stuff you never noticed before.

          READ MORE: Favorite travel Quotes Ever.
  1. ''Adventure is worthwhile."

Adventure can remind you to explore new horizons,and step out of your comfort zone. like it did for me hiking across Mountains of the Moon.(Mt. Rwenzori). This classic travel quote continues to inspire me more and more.

2."Travel isn't always pretty. it isn't always comfortable. sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. but thats okay. the journey changes you; it should change you. it leaves marks on your consciousness, on your heart, ans on your  body. you take something with you. hopefully, you leave something good behind".-Anthony Bourdain.

  The late, great Anthony Bourdain really hit the nail on the head. i will truly miss his wisdom. many think of traveling as a way to relax,and it absolutely can be!
However, i`ve also found traveling  can help you understand whats going on in the world.

3. ''A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.''-Tim Cahill

I couldn't agree more! i`ve made many friends around the world, ans its the time i`ve spent with them that has made my travels so fulfilling are always more memorable than checking things off a bucket list.

4." No place is ever as bad as they tell you its going to be.''-Chuck Thompson

Have you ever seen your hometown through the eyes of a tourist? its easy to get jaded, but the truth is every place in the world has something of interest. you`ll always hear about the negative before you hear about the positive. because people love to complain! Don`t listen to them, and go see for yourself, this will give you an answer to the questions running in your mind.

5, Travelling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.''-Ibn Battuta.

I`ve seen awe-inspiring things that i thought i`d never be able to explain to another person. These experiences have helped me to become a better storyteller.e.g witnessing the unreal-looking craters in Western side of Queen Elizabeth National park.

  • Slow Down to Enjoy your Trip
please don`t try to cram 6 countries into 6 weeks of travel. All the good stuff happens when you really take the time to explore you`ll learn about activities that aren`t in your guidebook and meet people who are eager to show you around..isn't that cool!!
  • Laugh At Yourself Sometimes
You will definitely look like a fool many times when traveling to new places. Rather than get embarrassed, laugh at yourself. dont be afraid to screw up,and dont take life so seriously. Relax! this made me recall onetime a whole bus full of travelers laughed with glee when i forced the bus driver to stop so i could urgently pee on the side of the road. Returning to the bus and laughing with them gave me new friends for the rest of the journey! It was really Fun.

  • Take lots of Epic Travel Photos
Pay attention to this travel tip. you may only see these places & meet these people once in your lifetime. Remember them forever with plenty of photos! Dont worry about looking like a ''tourist'. Great photos are the ultimate souvenirs.
They dont cost anything, they`re easy to share, and they dont take up space in your luggage. Take plenty of photos of yourself too,they`ll be more important than your postcard shots later.Just remember that once you get your shot, it`s important to get out from behind the lens and actually enjoy the view.